5 CTV Advertising Mistakes to Avoid

5 CTV Advertising Mistakes to Avoid

Are you sure you’re not making these CTV advertising mistakes?

It’s a fact that 2022 is a big year for connected TV (CTV). A factor driving its growth is the audience’s strong desire to remain connected to the internet even while consuming the usual content on their screens. In short, TV still has a stronghold on audiences. For the same reason, many brands are willing to bet their money on CTV advertising.

But, not everyone who spends good money on this channel can get their money’s worth. Often, advertisers’ overzealousness gets the better of them. Ultimately, this will lead them to commit CTV advertising mistakes, which waste valuable resources without the expected returns. Proprietary research revealed that most brands allocate more than half of their ad budget on CTV and yet reach only a mere 10% of the total available audience. This means ad budget is wasted because of poor CTV advertising mistakes and ad planning.

Common CTV Advertising Mistakes

Here are some of the most common CTV advertising mistakes you should avoid:

1. Not exploring other platforms

Agreed, Roku is one of the most popular CTV ad platforms. Based on the latest CTV trends by Pixelate, Roku dominates CTV devices in North America, with an estimated reach of 56% from August 2021 to March 2022. However, it’s also notable that Roku isn’t the only platform out there, so they’re not the only option for CTV. If you’re still in the testing phase of your CTV campaigns, it’s best to explore other platforms. Don’t put all your eggs on Roku just yet.

Why? Simple. Spreading your ad spending across several partners allows you to have the same reach but with a more diversified audience. This may mean better conversion and compelling return on ad spend (ROAS).

2. Failing to measure actively

Not knowing what, when, and how to measure is another common CTV advertising mistake that most brands make. Far too often, advertisers limit the actual scope of what they need to measure, notably only including unique reach and completion rates. However, this doesn’t paint the whole picture of how well your ads perform. That’s why it’s critical to do active measurement and know the appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs) that relate to your messaging and desired goals.

3. Absence of quality inventory

If you’re investing in CTV, keep an eye on your inventory. If you believe quantity over quality is more important, you’re making a CTV advertising mistake. The best practice is to work with a mix of quality publishers and audience-targeting as they perform far better. Remember, more people are willing to spend money if they believe they get their money’s worth.

4. Not reviewing messaging

Another CTV advertising mistake that can cost your organization thousands of wasted resources is poor messaging. Always review your message. Never over-saturate your target audience with the same ads. Check how frequently you send them your messaging. Remember, it’s annoying for consumers to view irrelevant ads several times while watching their favorite shows. As much as possible, do a device-level frequency so you can adequately space out your messaging and effectively reach more consumers.

5. Relying on free ads

Those beginning their CTV ad strategy may think it would be best to take advantage of free ads in the meantime while they’re yet to gain good ground. However, not every publisher who offers to give you free ads discloses the fine print. In the end, it might even hurt your ad campaign. When you fail and abandon the idea of using CTV ads, you might end up losing more. When you receive a free ad, ask for transparency. Get the full disclosure, such as price points, inventory quality, data, and platform. This will help you determine if the offer is fraudulent or not.

Avoid CTV Advertising Mistakes

CTV advertising may be daunting to the uninitiated. But once you get the hang of it, the only worry you’ll ever have would be the brands you partner with. The key is to have a reliable partner to help you realize your advertising goals.

Connect with us to know how AlgoriX can help you maximize your ads and get your message effectively across to your target audience.



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Senior Director, Programmatic Strategy

As the Associate Director of Programmatic Strategy, Pranav brings over 8 years of experience in the adtech industry working with Publishers, DSPs, Agencies, and Advertisers from global regions to improve their monetization, performance, and strategies. With great understanding of the mobile market, his expertise lies in analytics, account management, strategy, and ad sales. With this refined skill set, he brings customer-centric mindfulness that enables growth and innovation. Before joining AlgoriX, his keen business perspective and skills have earned him opportunities to work across different organizations and verticals in the advertising ecosystem; be it improving the processes, sales enablement, and managing client relationships.

Ray Xia

VP, AlgoriX Partner Studio

Ray Xia was a mainstay at Tencent Games, having worked at the company for 13 years. There, he took on various roles including backend developer, application development manager, and game producer. During this time, he actively participated in the development and operation of popular titles such as QQ Pet, QQ Pet Fight, and games involving the Naruto franchise. To date, these games have over 10 million daily active users. Through this rich well of experience he has accumulated covering all aspects of game development and operation, he aims to spearhead more creative endeavors via AlgoriX Studios.

Naomi Li

VP, Research and Development

Naomi Li has a decade’s worth of experience in research and development for the adtech industry. At present, she is responsible for the overall direction of AlgoriX’s R&D efforts, which include product planning, technical architecture design, and talent training.

Frederic Liow

Chief Revenue & Operations Officer

A veteran in the digital advertising industry, he began his career during the early days of the dotcom era. To date, his passion for the digital industry is still as strong as ever (and getting even stronger). Spanning twenty years of his digital career, he has worked for leading companies like Nielsen, MRM McCann, Omnicom Media Group, Millward Brown and Smaato. Currently, Frederic is the revenue officer for AlgoriX spearheading global revenue growth, business expansion and strategic partnerships. He has set up and built AlgoriX’s global mobile ad exchange, hiring talents, establishing best practices, and injecting global industry standards into the company. Prior to his current role, he was the Head of Demand for Smaato, overseeing the demand business and operations in APAC. Frederic is currently based in our Singapore HQ.

Xinxiao Guo

Chief Operation Officer

Equipped with a decade’s worth of experience in global product operation as well as a deep understanding of emerging markets, Xinxiao brings her expertise in mobile traffic monetization and programmatic advertising to the table. Before her role at AlgoriX, she was a core member of iQIYI’s research and development unit. After that, she moved to Baidu as Head of Programmatic Advertising.

At present, she is AlgoriX’s co-founder and Chief Operation Officer. Together with the team, she aims to help game developers effectively reach global audiences and implement better monetization strategies.

Ruiz Xie

Chief Executive Officer

With nearly 20 years of business experience, Ruiz Xie founded AlgoriX with the vision of creating a global advertising platform and entertainment ecosystem. Through AlgoriX’s services, he aims to create a more inclusive tech ecosystem by providing customized solutions that meet the needs of businesses at every stage. At the same time, through AlgoriX Studios and its third-party partner studios, the company is currently bringing to life a greater goal of providing a comprehensive entertainment platform for people worldwide, which covers games, IP, comics, movies, and more. At present, he leads nearly a hundred employees with concrete plans to expand the company by establishing more offices worldwide.