How You Can Maximize the Use of ChatGPT and AI in Advertising This 2023

Thanks to the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), the world of advertising is no longer the same. Now, AI technology is an integral part of digital marketing. It’s not only being used to personalize content and calls to action, but it also makes tons of ad tech processes more efficient. With AI-based technologies, such as natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning, marketers can sort through massive amounts of data to gain unprecedented insight into consumer behavior and preferences. This allows them to craft campaigns tailored to specific audiences and optimized for different channels, leading to higher success rates and ROI.

This 2023, the AI chatbot tool ChatGPT has become one of the most hyped emerging technology. With its innovative use of AI to deliver information and services, there’s been plenty of excitement and discussion about how it will disrupt industries this year. Find out below how you can maximize the use of ChatGPT and AI in your campaigns and what AlgoriX is doing to harness this technology.

Uses of AI in Advertising

Here are some use cases of AI in advertising.

AI’s Role in Content Creation and Personalization

Because content creation and personalization are essential for businesses to reach their target audience and increase engagement, finding innovative ways to do these has always been an enormous challenge for every marketer. That’s why now that AI tools can generate multiple creatives, be it text or images, with minimal effort and guidance, there’s been plenty of buzz about its future role in the content creation economy. Just recently, TheVerge reported massive layoffs at several media companies following the emergence of SEO-optimized, AI-generated stories.

For adtech companies, AI’s content creation and personalization capabilities can be a great opportunity. Data shows companies that curate and create personalized campaigns that answer each customer’s unique needs can increase ROIs by up to 200%. By being able to generate various designs, copies, and call-to-actions tailored to individual customers at a much faster rate, it will be easier to identify and optimize ad creatives that deliver the best performance.

AI’s Role in Targeting/Segmentation

AI technology is ushering in a new era of targeting and segmentation. With the help of AI, marketers can now target audiences with greater precision and accuracy than ever before. This technology has enabled us to send personalized messages to the right customers at the right time by analyzing far more data segments and contexts than humans can ever do.

AI-driven targeting has also helped marketers save time and money by automating the process of customer segmentation based on preferences and other key metrics. This ability to target customers accurately has led to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as better campaign performance overall. For instance, a survey by Mailchimp showed open rates are 14.31% higher for segmented campaigns than non-segmented ones. There’s also a notable 101% increase in clicks. Similarly, bounce rates, spam reporting, and unsubscribes are lower.

AI-Driven Automation

AI-driven automation is revolutionizing the way businesses operate. By leveraging AI technology, companies can automate their marketing campaigns and streamline their processes. This then leaves room for marketers to focus on higher-level activities that require more creative thinking and strategic decision-making.

Because AI can analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, marketers can make better decisions about campaigns based on insights from the data. In addition, AI can optimize campaigns in real-time by adjusting parameters, such as budget allocation or targeting criteria, based on the results of previous campaigns. Real-time data analysis and optimization help businesses maximize the effectiveness of their efforts while reducing costs associated with manual labor or inefficient processes.

AI’s Role in ROI

AI is quickly becoming a powerful tool for businesses to increase their return on investment. With AI, companies can automate mundane tasks and free up resources to focus on more strategic initiatives that drive ROI. AI can also help companies make better decisions by providing insights into customer behavior and predicting future trends. By leveraging the power of AI, businesses can achieve higher ROI with less effort and cost.

AlgoriX’s AI-Powered Platform

Harness the power of AI with AlgoriX to reach your target audience or increase your revenues. With the power of advanced algorithms and predictive analytics, you can sit back while our platform does all the optimization work for you.

For publishers, our advanced AI-powered bidding optimization delivers the best programmatic performance and high cost efficiencies. This is possible through dynamic pricing with the use of multi-bid auctions and bid floor filters. Publishers can also do real-time processing of incoming data and fine-tuning using AlgoriX’s built-in machine-learning models.

Advertisers, on the other hand, can take advantage of our advanced AI-powered traffic optimization. Based on your campaign requirements and bidding behaviors, we can process auction data in real-time and fine-tune traffic flow using the built-in machine learning models. We also use a cloud-based load-balancing mechanism to ensure the lowest auction latency.

Cindy Yuan, AlgoriX’s Supply Technical Director, comments, “At AlgoriX, we’re always looking for ways to integrate innovative technologies to further strengthen our product offerings. ChatGPT’s personalized ad copy generation and precise user targeting capabilities have brought more opportunities and advantages to the advertising industry. In the future, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT may become a key tool in the advertising industry, helping advertisers better understand and meet customer needs, enhance advertising effectiveness, and improve user experience.”

Want to learn more about how AlgoriX uses AI? Connect with our sales experts today!



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Pranav Kataria

Senior Director, Programmatic Strategy

As the Associate Director of Programmatic Strategy, Pranav brings over 8 years of experience in the adtech industry working with Publishers, DSPs, Agencies, and Advertisers from global regions to improve their monetization, performance, and strategies. With great understanding of the mobile market, his expertise lies in analytics, account management, strategy, and ad sales. With this refined skill set, he brings customer-centric mindfulness that enables growth and innovation. Before joining AlgoriX, his keen business perspective and skills have earned him opportunities to work across different organizations and verticals in the advertising ecosystem; be it improving the processes, sales enablement, and managing client relationships.

Ray Xia

VP, AlgoriX Partner Studio

Ray Xia was a mainstay at Tencent Games, having worked at the company for 13 years. There, he took on various roles including backend developer, application development manager, and game producer. During this time, he actively participated in the development and operation of popular titles such as QQ Pet, QQ Pet Fight, and games involving the Naruto franchise. To date, these games have over 10 million daily active users. Through this rich well of experience he has accumulated covering all aspects of game development and operation, he aims to spearhead more creative endeavors via AlgoriX Studios.

Naomi Li

VP, Research and Development

Naomi Li has a decade’s worth of experience in research and development for the adtech industry. At present, she is responsible for the overall direction of AlgoriX’s R&D efforts, which include product planning, technical architecture design, and talent training.

Frederic Liow

Chief Revenue & Operations Officer

A veteran in the digital advertising industry, he began his career during the early days of the dotcom era. To date, his passion for the digital industry is still as strong as ever (and getting even stronger). Spanning twenty years of his digital career, he has worked for leading companies like Nielsen, MRM McCann, Omnicom Media Group, Millward Brown and Smaato. Currently, Frederic is the revenue officer for AlgoriX spearheading global revenue growth, business expansion and strategic partnerships. He has set up and built AlgoriX’s global mobile ad exchange, hiring talents, establishing best practices, and injecting global industry standards into the company. Prior to his current role, he was the Head of Demand for Smaato, overseeing the demand business and operations in APAC. Frederic is currently based in our Singapore HQ.

Xinxiao Guo

Chief Operation Officer

Equipped with a decade’s worth of experience in global product operation as well as a deep understanding of emerging markets, Xinxiao brings her expertise in mobile traffic monetization and programmatic advertising to the table. Before her role at AlgoriX, she was a core member of iQIYI’s research and development unit. After that, she moved to Baidu as Head of Programmatic Advertising.

At present, she is AlgoriX’s co-founder and Chief Operation Officer. Together with the team, she aims to help game developers effectively reach global audiences and implement better monetization strategies.

Ruiz Xie

Chief Executive Officer

With nearly 20 years of business experience, Ruiz Xie founded AlgoriX with the vision of creating a global advertising platform and entertainment ecosystem. Through AlgoriX’s services, he aims to create a more inclusive tech ecosystem by providing customized solutions that meet the needs of businesses at every stage. At the same time, through AlgoriX Studios and its third-party partner studios, the company is currently bringing to life a greater goal of providing a comprehensive entertainment platform for people worldwide, which covers games, IP, comics, movies, and more. At present, he leads nearly a hundred employees with concrete plans to expand the company by establishing more offices worldwide.